Children’s Therapy

What’s going on with your child?

Nancy* had stomach aches every day before school. Sometimes, she had to be sent home for them. The doctors couldn’t find a medical reason behind them, so it was deduced that she had anxiety.

Demetrius’* outbursts were severe and affected every area of his life. He had no friends, and his relatives were now at the point that they didn’t want him in their homes.

Pat* was shutting down completely. It had just come to light that a family friend had abused him.

We hate to see our children struggle.

Of course, we want them to have the best they can. That’s why we’re always looking to learn how to be good parents and promote their health and happiness.

But, as you know, reading parenting books only gets you so far. For some things, you need outside-the-box help.

A trusted professional can connect to your child and help them navigate their worlds. This frees you to be their parent… instead of trying to be their therapist.

That’s where we come in.

We use play therapy to help children process their emotions, build social skills, and learn new behaviors. They learn new ways to express stress, process hurt, and interact with others – all in a safe, creative space.

With our help…

Nancy learned to down-regulate her emotions, and she now confidently faces school challenges.

Demetrius and his caregivers learned how to set limits and meet his needs in ways that bypassed his need to act out.

Pat processed the trauma in an age-appropriate way, and he’s now bright-eyed and energetic again.

Let us help…

We can turn things around with your child, too!

Let us answer your questions and see how we can help during your free 15-minute consultation: (262) 421-5101.

*Names changed to preserve client confidentiality.