Family Therapy

No matter what your family looks like…

We’re all part of a family. And, as you know, families aren’t problem-free.

There’s often conflict between siblings – from childhood arguments to disagreements about how to handle the death of a parent when they’re older.

Parents have conflict, too. They might struggle to know how to support their adult children… or how to heal old wounds after a fight, affair, or divorce.

Or maybe you have a “non-traditional” family and want to ensure every voice is heard. Blended families are now a normal part of our culture, and you want those transitions to be as healthy as they can be for everyone.

Have you adopted or decided to foster a child? These are wonderful gifts, but they can complicate your family dynamics and require special parenting considerations.

Whatever your family issues, it’s all about relationships.

Naturally, you want to improve those relationships.

And, as you probably suspected, communication is key.

But improving communication isn’t easy.

For one, your family dynamics are always changing, and some of those changes are difficult to navigate.

Plus, many of us don’t have the skills we need to communicate better with our family members. And like so many things, when we don’t know how to do something, we often resort to what we know, like reading a “self-help book” or venting to friends about the problem.

But have those things ever made a difference for you?

You need a professional so that EVERYONE is seen, heard, and validated.

Coming together in a room with a professional can be uncomfortable, but sometimes that’s what you need to make progress.

And isn’t the goal of rebuilding your family worth it?

We might work with you individually before bringing in other family members. We get to know your story and build trust in and out of session. For kids, this can happen during play. For adults, we may give handouts and walk you through a series of questions.

When the family comes together, we’ll listen deeply to all members, ensuring they truly feel understood. There are multiple perspectives, and we want to hear them all because each is valid. Sometimes this takes time to unfold, or we might dive in all at once and call out the elephant in the room.

Whatever issues your family faces, you’ll all feel respected and learn to experience your family in a new way.

You’re ready…

And you’re in the right place!

Even if your family members do not want to attend, you can still work on the relationship and learn skills you can take home to create a stronger family.

We’re here and ready to work with you!

Don’t wait. Call today, and let’s talk more during your free consultation: (262) 421-5101.